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When You Drink Ginger Tea Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Body

When you cut your hand or sprain your ankle, you probably notice that your body reacts by becoming inflamed in order to facilitate the healing process. And while that’s a normal and healthy response to injury, not all inflammation is beneficial to the body, according to NPR. Specifically, chronic, low-level inflammation can lead to an increased risk of diseases like diabetes and depression, to name just a few.

If you’re concerned about the inflammation levels in your body and want to try battling it naturally, nutritionist Katie Boyd advises sipping on ginger tea every day. “The biggest win that I receive from drinking ginger tea is it supports a natural inflammatory response,” she told The List. That in turn can lower your risk of disease.

That’s not all decreasing inflammation can do. It can actually help you look better in addition to feel healthier. “The less inflammation the less bloat. The less bloat the leaner and more vibrant you look,” Boyd continued. “Who doesn’t strive for that?”

Your cancer risk may drop if you drink ginger tea every day

Some people are willing to do whatever it takes in order to decrease the odds that they’ll get cancer. Whether they start cutting down on the amount of red meat they consume or choose to stop drinking alcohol – both of which can help you reduce your cancer risk — many find it’s simply worth it to have a little more piece of mind, even if you miss the burgers and the beer.

Fortunately, drinking ginger tea every day is another way you can help prevent cancer, as noted by registered dietitian Amanda A. Kostro Miller. “You’re getting an antioxidant boost,” she revealed to The List. “Ginger contains many antioxidants (e.g. vitamin C) and nutrients (e.g. potassium) to combat overall inflammation and disease.” And one of those diseases is, of course, cancer.

There’s additional science out there on the topic as well. As the PLOS One journal revealed in 2015, researchers concluded that ginger can help stave off pancreatic cancer. Plus, a study in the journal Nutrients found that ginger can put the kibosh on colorectal cancer cells. Now that’s some great news!

You will balance your blood sugar levels if you drink ginger tea every day

Your blood sugar level is the amount of glucose that’s found within your blood, which, when it’s at a healthy level, nourishes your cells and keeps your body functioning, according to MedlinePlus. When you have too much glucose in your blood, though, it can cause damage to your body. That’s why it’s so important to ensure your blood sugar stays within a normal range.

In addition to eating a healthy diet and keeping a regular eating schedule, sipping on ginger tea every day can help you balance your blood sugar, as noted by registered dietitian Hayley Cimring. “According to research, ginger tea can be a secret weapon in keeping your blood sugar levels healthy and has long-term benefits in supporting healthy blood sugar,” she explained to The List.

That can in turn keep you feeling healthy in a variety of ways, says Cimring. “Keeping your blood sugar in check can give you more energy, help manage cravings, can aid in weight management and help you sleep better,” she continued.

You may lose weight if you drink ginger tea every day

According to Time magazine, 49 percent of all Americans are trying to lose weight — practically one out of every two people — which is quite a staggering statistic! Additionally, they’re doing so by either eating less, exercising more, avoiding fast food and junk food, drinking more water, or some combination thereof.

If you’re one of the folks looking to get a little leaner, certified personal trainer Jamie Hickey recommended drinking ginger tea every day. “The ginger root contains properties known as gingerols and shogaols which aid in the body’s biological activities,” he shared with The List. “In other words,” he explained, “they increase your metabolism and work to reduce your cholesterol levels.”

While drinking ginger tea alone isn’t going to cut it, it can help you fit into those skinny jeans if you combine the habit with some other healthy choices, said Hickey. “If you add ginger tea to your daily diet accompanied with the correct type of fitness and nutrition plan it can be a great aid in reaching your goals,” he added.

Your mental focus will improve if you drink ginger tea every day

According to the CDC, approximately six million Americans have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, and that number is expected to almost triple in the decades to come. Plus, two-thirds of that population are women, showing how important it is for ladies to be aware of their risk factors. To that end, the CDC encourages people to adapt healthy behaviors to combat Alzheimer’s disease, including lowering your blood pressure, quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet, and preventing and managing diabetes.

Are you looking for additional ways to prevent this disease and its related complications? As it turns out, if you drink ginger tea every day, you can protect your noggin. “Consuming ginger tea has been linked to supporting your brain health,” registered dietitian Hayley Cimring told The List. “Studies using ginger extract have shown that it can improve cognitive function and enhance working memory.” Of course, ginger tea isn’t a magic bullet, but if it helps, it helps!

Drinking ginger tea every day is good for your heart

Drinking ginger tea every day can make your heart happy. According to a 2017 study in the journal Nutrition, which surveyed 4,628 individuals — 2,805 women and 1,823 men — between the ages of 18 and 77, consumption of ginger was shown to decrease the risk of high blood pressure. Additionally, researchers concluded that consuming ginger lowers your chance of having a heart attack and developing blood clots as well as lowers your cholesterol levels and improves your blood circulation, according to Healthline. That’s pretty impressive for one humble herb.

But wait, there’s more! According to a study in Diabetes & Metabolism Journal, scientists found that the consumption of ginger helped to decrease heart abnormalities in rats that had diabetes. While more research is needed to see how effective that would be in humans, it certainly bodes well for daily ginger tea-drinkers.

Drinking ginger tea every day can cause issues for some people

Drinking ginger tea every day certainly has a lot of health benefits, as noted by Medical News Today. But are there any risks or dangers that could be lurking in your daily mug of steamy ginger goodness? Unfortunately, yes.

According to an article in Healthline, there are a few small things a person should consider before brewing themselves some ginger tea. For one thing — and perhaps the most obvious one — if you’re allergic to the pungent root you should not consume it in any form, including in tea.

It’s also not advisable for anyone to consume more than four grams of ginger per day — but that would be difficult unless you’re constantly drinking copious amounts of ginger tea. Furthermore, since ginger lowers blood pressure, it may cause lightheadedness. So if you have a blood disorder, you should talk to your doctor before drinking ginger tea. Lastly, while some people say that ginger stimulates bile production, there’s no evidence to prove it. As such, anyone who has a history of gallbladder problems should seek the advice of their doctor before drinking ginger tea.

Drinking ginger tea every day may benefit your body more than other kinds of tea

For most people, ginger tea is a sure bet. Registered dietitian Hayley Cimring sees no problem with the majority of folks consuming the beverage. “Ginger has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for many ailments,” she shared with The List. “It is, in fact, regarded as one of the healthiest spices around!”

In fact, ginger tea is so good for you that it’s perhaps even preferable to other teas, according to Cimring. “So, move over green tea,” she continued. “Ginger tea is one of the simplest ways to avail yourself of a myriad of health benefits.”

You can also add flavors to your ginger tea to enhance it, such as lemon, lime, or mint. And if you’re able to safely have sugar, adding a splash of honey or agave will sweeten things up. Finally, if you’re more of a milk tea type, bring on the moo juice, says Healthline.

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