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Treat Your Ingrown Toenail With These 6 Natural & Homemade Remedies

This is something that not every medical group agrees and that it tucking small bits of cotton or waxed floss under the edge of an ingrown toenail so to help proper nail growth. Putting cotton under your nails can boost the pain and allow some harmful bacteria to thrive and soaking  the cotton or floss in alcohol before the application of this may minimize this risk.

No high heels or tight shoes

Even though many of the females like high heels, those who have a problem with ingrown toenail shall stay away from them. Tight shoes or high heels can increase the pressure to the affected area so sandals are quite a good idea.

Essential oils

These can lower the pain and also the inflammation that is associated with an ingrown toenail and you may create an own essential oil blend if you combine Cyprus, clove, tea tree oil, lavender and rosemary with some carrier oil as for example coconut oil, blend all of these well and then gently massage on the affected area. Doing this can help in avoiding synthetic medications by providing natural pain relief for the ingrown nail and also will give the area a healthier environment with it to heal.

How should you cut an ingrown toenail

This might be very difficult and that is why you will need to be very careful and sometimes it might require some help. We are telling you the step by step guide:

What is first, is to soak the feet in some warm water which is mixed with Epsom salt or Castile soap for around twenty minutes so to soften the toenail and the skin and also lower the swelling.
Following step, with clean fingers push back the swollen skin in a careful manner from the nail border. But do not force it back more than the swollen skin allows.
What you need to do now is to cut the nail straight across and start with the edges of the toenail, while cutting the nail from the sides not from its middle.
Put some cotton between the toenail and the skin, which can stop the ingrown toenail from coming back which will allow it to grow correctly.
If you want to help the healing process and also to stop future in-growing you shall avoid wearing socks and also shoes when you are at home, so wear some flip flops or some other shoes that avoid dirt but that the air can circulate.
In order to avoid infection, change the cotton daily two times a day.
Homemade ingrown toenail ointment

If you put this directly on your toe you may find some very needed relief and faster healing.


5 drops eucalyptus oil
5 drops tea tree oil
1 drop oregano oil
5 drops lavender oil
2 drops peppermint oil
2 ounces aloe vera gel
2 ounces coconut oil

You should take a jar with a lid and put the ingredients inside and take a small spoon to mix the ingredients. After washing the toe apply the remedy to it and if you can  let it dry naturally. If you can not, use bandages.

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