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This Is How Headaches Reveal What Is Wrong With Your Health

A headache is always an annoying pain which visits you at the wrong time. People suffering from a frequent headache must have experienced that it is the disease which makes you uncomfortable and inactive for a while.

The most popular trick to get rid of a headache is to eat bananas and drink a lot of water. However, this trick is no always useful. The reason behind is that there are actually different types of a headache and thus the symptoms also are different. Apparently, for various types of a headache, there is a separate treatment that we should follow.

The common treatment should not be used to all types of headaches. One has to first analyse the reason behind a headache. Sometimes the headache is caused just due to dehydration or fatigue whereas in some cases it can be an indication of some other serious health issue.

The famous neurologist Dr. Sakib Qureshi MD has explained that the frequent headaches can be a “red light warning signals”, thus we need to understand the difference between the common headaches and those that may are providing a sign to another health problems.

So, before you just pop up a pill to get rid of a headache try to find out the health issues which a headache is indicating to you. Keep a health diary if you frequently suffer from a headache.

Based on the reason behind the headaches it can be divided into four categories. Here is in detail all about headaches so that you can treat the health condition properly using natural remedies.

Sinus Headache

On account of a sinus aggravation, you may encounter a sinus migraine that causes extreme torment. These cerebral pains are an outcome of a disease, and may prompt a weight that can be felt on the cheeks, eyes and temple, and additionally a fever.

 devour whatever number fluids as could be expected under the circumstances. You potentially will advantage a great deal from the utilization of warm water since it successfully diminishes the irritation and opens the sinuses.

Moreover, consume oranges, sustenances high in vitamin C or beverage a green tea with lemon, since vitamin C is high in cancer prevention agents and will help the body to battle diseases.

Additionally, you can attempt to apply chilly and hot packs, decrease the agony by eating a soup, or a crisp ginger, since it has capable calming and torment diminishing properties.

Strain Headache


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