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Neuroscientists Have Issued A Warning! Women, Pay Close Attention To How Much You Sleep!

Sleeping is much more important for our body than we think since it is not just a moment of pause or disconnection with our normal life, but it is the method with which we replenish energy and we can make our organs follow their natural functioning.

During sleep many things happen in our body, the organs are replenished, certain compounds are synthesized and everything necessary so that when we wake up we can better face our daily routine and all our activities.

That is why, for both men and women, sleep fulfills a primordial function, however, there are certain details that are taken into account with respect to each of the biological sexes of the person, that is, there are things that change depending on whether you are male or female.

This is the reason why women should sleep more

Normally throughout our lives, we have asked that the correct thing is to sleep at least 8 hours a day because it is the amount of time that is recommended so that our body can replace all the lost energy and thus be able to face a new dawn.

But, recent research proves the opposite with respect to a particular case: women.


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