Living Room

Natural Skin Whitening Remedy To Whiten Your Armpits, Elbows & Knees

Simply add the flour into a glass container and mix in the beet and potato juice, begin to stir consistently until you have an even and smooth mixture. Next, take a clean wet towel soaked in hot water and clean out the areas that you want to whiten. Using your fingertips, apply your mixture onto all the affected areas and leave it on for at least an hour before washing it off with warm water and a rustic sponge.

Gently scrub the areas when washing off the mask for better results. Repeat this treatment every day for at least a week and you will see a huge difference.

There you have it! One os the most effective Natural Skin Whitening Remedy To Whiten Your Armpits, Elbows & Knees quickly. If you liked this post, please share it with your friends and family and also follow us on Pinterest for more helpful skin care and home remedies tips.

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