
How To Grow A Neem Tree Without Seeds?

This is another method for growing neem trees without using seeds. In this method, the new growth of roots is stimulated from a stem.

  • During this process, the stem is still attached to the parent plant.  For this purpose, you need a 1 to 2-inch thick branch.
  • If you find a bark layer around the stem then remove it.
  • Now cover the stem with moist sphagnum and after that wrap a plastic sheet around it. It will help to seal the moisture.
  • Within 2 to 3 months, you will see the new roots and growth will be formed.
  • Now the stem is ready so just cut it below the roots and transplant it in your garden.

Planting Neem Cuttings In Final Place

Whether you are growing neem tree from cuttings or by a layering method.  The next step is to transplant them in their final place.  At the start, the cuttings need to be kept in partial shade for 2 to 3 months.

It is better to keep the cuttings in a small pot for this period. After 3 months, you can expose your plant to full sun. When your plant is 1 meter tall you can transplant it into a permanent place.


When you grow a neem tree from seeds It will not be just like the parent plant. If you use a cutting or layering method then you will get a plant similar to the parent plant.


Care For A Neem Tree

The tropical climate is best for growing Neem trees. The subtropical climate is also good for your neem tree plants. The following factors are very important in the growth of neem trees.


Neem trees like to grow in hot weather. The best temperature for the growth of neem trees is 50 degrees centigrade or 120 degrees Fahrenheit.  The temperature should not fall below 5 degrees centigrade or 35  degrees Fahrenheit because this plant can’t tolerate cold weather.

Trees are more sensitive to cold climates so you should be careful. The leaves of the neem tree will drop in the winter season.  The growth of neem trees is very high in hot weather.

If you are growing your neem tree in a pot then it will grow according to the size of the pot.


You can check the soil if you feel it is dry then Water Your plant.  You can check the dryness of the soil with the help of your finger. If you are growing a neem tree in a pot then you should keep in mind that the soil in the pot will drain very quickly.

In that case, your plant needs more water.  You should increase the frequency of the water in hot weather.  Overwatering is also dangerous for your plant’s health because it will result in fungus and root rot.


Light is a very important factor in the growth of neem trees so keep the pot at that location where it gets maximum sunlight. If you are growing your neem plants indoors then you should keep an eye on the temperature of the house. It is suggested that you should mist the leaves frequently for better results.


If you are growing a neem tree in a pot then you should use a large pot. If you use a small pot then it will restrict the growth of the tree. You can also re-pot the tree when it grows taller or you see the roots are coming out from drainage holes.


This tree doesn’t like cold climates because it can’t tolerate low temperatures.  In this situation, you can save the tree by shifting indoors if it is growing in a pot.  In the winter season, neem trees need less water than hot days.

If the neem tree is planted in the ground then you can cover it with an old blanket. This will provide warmth to the tree.  The other way of providing warmth is by putting Christmas lights around the tree branches.


The growth of the neem tree during the first air is very slow but if you provide required conditions such as light and temperature then it will grow very fast.


Every plant needs basic nutrients for its healthy growth. In the same way, neem trees also need good quality fertilizer. You can also use diluted fish emulsion or a dilute solution of water-soluble fertilizer. Fertilize your neem plants once a month in Spring and summer.


Zinc and potassium are very important in the growth of neem trees. If you see chlorosis of the leaf tips and leaf margins. It means that zinc is deficient in the soil. In this situation, the older leaves fall off and shoot exude a lot of resin. Potassium deficiency will result in the death of your plant.


  • Neem trees will start producing fruit after 3 to 5 years.
  • The leaf growth of the neem tree will start from May to November after dropping the leaves.
  • The flowers of the neem tree will bloom from March to May.
  • The fruiting of the neem tree will start in May or June.
  • You will get mature fruit in June.

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