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Get Rid of Those Nasty Yeast Infections at Home With These Remedies

Consuming probiotic supplements and using suppositories
These supplements assist in maintaining the appropriate balance of healthy bacteria in the body. In the event that you begin a course of ingestible probiotics which have strains of helpful bacteria, it can certainly get the vaginal flora and digestive tract into harmony.

In order to feel the full benefits of oral supplements, it is necessary to give it at least 10 days to work its magic. That is why a lot of women prefer using vaginal suppositories to get faster results.
Using Coconut Oil
The widespread elixir of coconut oil has a variety of uses throughout several spheres of our lives. It is very useful and it is manufactured using the flesh of a coconut. Coconut oil has several advantages which include antifungal assets.

Research has proven that coconut oil is fairly effective against vaginal yeast infection.

Authentic coconut oil without any additives is the ideal kind to use in order to remedy yeast infection. Coconut oil can be massaged directly over the inflamed area.

Using tea tree oil
This is an oil that is beneficial is killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Studies have shown that vaginal suppositories which include this oil as their ingredient are perhaps helpful in treating such infections.

Just like other essential oils, tea tree oil is also a very potent oil. It is always advised to mix it with other carrier oils such as coconut oil or jojoba oil before using it. This oil should be used sparsely and not in regular intervals and never ingested in any manner whatsoever.

Using apple cider vinegar
A rather popular remedy for yeast infections is a bath with apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider has several medicinal purposes, among which some have more credibility than others due to scientific endeavors backing them. Adding half a cup of cider vinegar to lukewarm bathing water and using it to soak and bathe for about 20 minutes is beneficial. The acidic constituents of the vinegar get rid of any harmful and unwanted microorganisms.

It is not to be confused with vinegar douching however, which is a procedure that removes both the bad bacteria as well as the good. That, in turn, can leave one even more susceptible to vaginal infections.

Using garlic
Garlic is not a fool-proof remedy for yeast infections. It is, however, advised that including plenty of garlic into the diet will be helpful against infections. But inserting garlic inside the vaginal cavity is not something that is recommended.

Using hydrogen peroxide
This chemical is a God-send to a lot of women who can bet their lives on it, but it is to be noted that it does not work on all varieties of the fungus.

It is to be diluted with water in equal quantities, that is, in the 1:1 ratio. You can keep applying this solution on your vaginal area for up to five days consecutively after which it might have harmful effects.

Consuming vitamin C
Of the several vitamins that are very important, vitamin C does not happen to be something that cannot be ignored. It helps in maintaining a stable and robust immune system.

The antimicrobial properties of this vitamin are helpful in killing fungus overgrowths and increasing the consumption of vitamin C orally is ideal. But it is never to be applied onto the vaginal areas directly.
Reasonable expectations and prevention

The majority of these remedies will obviously take a while to start showing effects of betterment which can range from a week to just a limited number of days.

But in case the condition seems to worsen or other problems appear, it is imperative to seek appropriate medical attention. But if the infection recurs again and again, it is advised to contact a doctor and take prescription drugs for suitable treatment.

Also, as it is said, “Prevention is better than cure.” You may follow these guidelines:

  • Wear cotton undergarments that are fitting you appropriately and do not cause any constriction in air flow.
  • Yeast is benefitted from sugar. So it is important to consume lesser amounts of sugar and processed food.
  • Home cures are not a hardbound solution that will solve yeast infection and the chances of success using them vary from person to person. Essential oils, supplements, or herbs are not monitored by food safety agencies for quality, safety, and purity. Thus, it is vital to source them from a credible vendor.

The efficiency of certain treatments will vary for each individual as their infections and the value of remedy cannot be standardized or quantified in absolute terms.

It is important to remember that our bodies can have different and sometimes, adverse reactions to the most basic and generally considered beneficial products. Hence, it is sternly advised that medical attention should always be considered if anything feels uncomfortable or causes irritation. Take care folks!

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