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Don’t Use Turmeric If You’re On Any Of The Following Medication

Many of the components that make turmeric so beneficial are the same ones that make it harmful to take in combination with certain medicines. For example, turmeric’s anti-thrombotic property, the property that makes it able to reduce blood clots, makes it dangerous to take in combination with blood thinning medication. Taking turmeric in combination with these types of medication can strengthen their effects and increase your risk of bleeding. Blood thinning medications include: warfarin (Coumadin), clopidogrel (Plavix), and aspirin.

Turmeric also interferes with drugs that reduce stomach acid. If taken in combination with these drugs, it will actually increase your body’s production of stomach acid. This can cause nausea, bloating and stomach pain and can also damage your esophagus. Drugs that reduce stomach acid include: Cimetidine (Tagamet), Famotidine (Pepcid), Ranitidine (Zantac) and Omeprazole.

Turmeric is possibly dangerous if taken in combination with drugs for diabetes (that lower blood sugar). Turmeric strengthens the effects of these drugs, increasing one’s risk of developing low blood sugar. This can lead to a variety of side effects including shakiness, anxiety, blurred vision, delirium and overall reduced cognitive function.

Turmeric may also cause allergic reactions in some people, including outbreaks such as hives or rashes, or even shortness of breath and anaphylaxis. If you are taking any drugs or medications, or are experiencing allergic symptoms when taking turmeric, it is advised to either reduce the amount of turmeric you are taking or find a different, natural alternative.

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