Living Room

Magical Hair Mask to Stop Hair Fall Instantly and to Make Your Hair Grow Like Crazy in 7 Days

Want to know the fastest way to control your hair fall and to make your hair grow like crazy within a week, then you have come to the right place. I’ve tried out several homemade hair masks recently and all of them have been pretty effective to curb my hair fall and to make my hair grow thicker and longer but this hair mask has shown impeccable results on my hair, seriously, this hair mask has worked like a miracle for me. So lets start with this Magical Hair Mask to Stop Hair Fall Instantly and to Make Your Hair Grow Like Crazy in 7 Days: DIY.

The effectiveness of any hair mask shows on the hair if you’re really consistent with that particular recipe over a period of time, you have to constantly keep up with it. If you want to stop your hair fall and want longer, stronger hair in just 7 days then follow this recipe religiously for a week and you’ll notice incredible results without much hard work.

Ingredients Required:

  • 1 Ripe Banana
  • 1 Egg.
  • 1 ½ Tbsp of Honey.
  • ½ cup of Dark Beer.


  • Put all the ingredients into a blender and blend it properly to form a nice and smooth paste out of it.
  • Detangle your hair and apply the mixture over the entire head with a hair mask brush, concentrating at the roots and at the ends.
  • After application of the hair mask wrap your hair up in a high bun and cover it with a shower cap.
  • Leave the mask on your hair for at least 2 hours. If you want you can also leave it overnight if you really want to see the miraculous results of this hair mask. I know it will be a bit messy but if you’re suffering from severe hair loss try keeping it overnight to see instant results.
  • In the morning rinse out the hair mask with normal tap water and wash your hair as you normally would.
  • if you’re suffering from severe hair loss and also if you want to grow your hair at a very fast pace apply this hair mask to your hair every single day for 7 days.
  • Click a picture at the starting of the week, apply this hair mask as directed for 7 days and then take a picture of yourself after a week’s time.
  • You will notice that your hair has grown upto one to one and a half inch in just one week.

Benefits of Magical Hair Mask to Stop Hair Fall Instantly and to Make Your Hair Grow Like Crazy in 7 Days: DIY.


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