
10 True Signs That Your Man Has Stopped Loving You

According to Steve Harvey, the author of the popular novel Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, “A man’s love is expressed in three forms: he declares his rights for you in public, protects, and takes care of you.” However, a part of this saying can be doubted because, in our time, not all women need to be provided for or protected by men. What they definitely need is love. Unfortunately, sometimes women tend to see love when it’s not really there.

Sometimes a woman can feel that something is wrong without having to hear it from her partner. We at Trends gathered a list of 10 signs that a man’s strong feelings of love and adoration have faded. We hope that you won’t see these signs from your man, but it is important to know what to look out for.

Criticism of appearance

10 True Signs That Your Man Has Stopped Loving You
Omar Khayyam said, “A person will like everything, even the flaws, of their beloved, but will be annoyed at the perfection of those whom he does not love.” For a truly loving man, you are always beautiful, even with messy hair and even in your oversized nightgown. He will not notice that you have gained a couple of extra pounds after the winter holidays if you do not say it yourself. But if your man constantly tells you to go to the gym or hints that you need plastic surgery, do not rush to indulge him. It is most likely that it’s not your appearance that doesn’t suit him but you yourself. And even if you lose weight, he will find other faults in you.

Discussing your shortcomings with friends

10 True Signs That Your Man Has Stopped Loving You
Women tend to discuss problems in relationships or their partner’s shortcomings with their friends, while men try to keep everything unspoken. No one is perfect but truly loving people focus on the advantages of the partner instead of focusing on the flaws.

If your partner allows himself to publicly humiliate you and laughs at your failures, do not expect anything good from such a relationship. Such a partner doesn’t respect you, and a strong and reliable union is impossible without respect. By criticizing you with other people, he unconsciously tries to prove to others (and himself) that it’s your fault that he stopped loving you.

His attitude toward your habits

10 True Signs That Your Man Has Stopped Loving You
Women like to complain about men’s socks scattered around the house but they also sometimes have annoying or strange habits. We like to occupy the bathroom for 2 hours and chat with our girlfriends as much as possible, fill the wardrobe with unnecessary stuff, eat from our boyfriend’s plate, or keep singing the same song all day long. Loving men, as a rule, endure all this and remain silent or react with humor. If your man is constantly scrutinizing every little thing you do and making negative comments about your behavior, it means that the only feeling he has left is irritation instead of love.

Attentiveness to your stories

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