
9 Signs a Person Likes You Even If You Don’t Think So

8. Pay attention to how often a person blinks.

When a person doesn’t like the person they’re talking to very much, they will close their eyes subconsciously. Eyelids act as a kind of a barrier that helps block this person out. And if they like you, a person will blink less often.

9. Men usually try to look invulnerable in front of the woman they like. But their hand position may give away some things about them.

9 Signs a Person Likes You Even If You Don’t Think So

Men are likely to show their vulnerabilities in front of the women they like. One of the ways to subtly demonstrate their vulnerabilities is to keep their hands on their hips, opening their stomach. This position may seem arrogant and even threatening, but usually it only means one thing — someone is involuntary trying to show that they’re open to you.

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