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7 Body Parts You’ve Been Cleaning Wrong Your Whole Life

7 Body Parts You’ve Been Cleaning Wrong Your Whole Life
To avoid a build-up of dead skin cells that darken your elbow, it’s advised to exfoliate them once or twice a week. You can use your homemade scrub or buy one from the store but the key here is to rub in a circular motion, softly. Too much pressure will only make it worse.

5. Scalp

7 Body Parts You’ve Been Cleaning Wrong Your Whole Life
Scalp buildup can be caused by dead cells or even excess use of hair products. To clean it, rinse your hair completely before using shampoo. Then, mix water in with your shampoo and apply it to your scalp area. If you use conditioner, put it on the ends of the hair only.

6. Face

7 Body Parts You’ve Been Cleaning Wrong Your Whole Life

Foaming soaps and washes actually make your skin dry, so avoid them. Use a mild cleanser along with lukewarm water to wash your face. Let it sit on the face for 60-90 seconds before washing it off.

7. Back

7 Body Parts You’ve Been Cleaning Wrong Your Whole Life
Washing your back has to be the trickiest thing when it comes to body cleansing. To ensure you are doing it the right way, start with dry brushing. Then proceed to your regular scrubbing using a long loofah or an exfoliating band.

Bonus: How to clean your body when you have piercings

7 Body Parts You’ve Been Cleaning Wrong Your Whole Life
According to a piercing expert, the best way to clean and care for your piercing is to make use of saline soaks. Mild compression of salt and warm water can clean the debris and stimulate blood flow in the area.

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