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4 Awesome Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Sciatic Nerve Pain Fast

2. Hot or Cold Compresses

You can relieve the sciatica inflammation and pain with hot or cold compresses. Cold compress numbs the pain and lowers the swelling around the nerve. Heat compress relaxes tense muscles which might be pressing the sciatic nerve.

Another way is to combine heat and cold treatment, beginning with the hot and ending with the cold treatment. Use a steamed towel (moist heat) for the hot compress since it’s more effective. Put a cold or hot pack on the affected area, and let it stay for 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat this every couple of hours until you notice pain relief.

3. Capsaicin Cream

Capsaicin, the active compound in cayenne pepper, is a natural pain reliever as it helps deplete the substance P levels (a neurotransmitter that transports pain signals). Apply an ointment or cream that contains 0.025% to 0.075% capsaicin on the affected area up to four times a day, in a period of one week.

4. Exercises

Exercise and regular physical activity are extremely important for the treatment of sciatica. Begin regular exercise routine to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles, a day or two after the flare-up of sciatica. In this way, you will hasten the recovery process.

Knee to Chest Stretch is great for lowering the sciatic nerve irritation and improving your lower back’s flexibility.
Lie down on your back on the floor with stretched and hip-width apart legs.
Relax your upper body and bend your knee upwards while breathing in.

Pull your thigh towards your chest with your hands clasped behind it, as far as it’s comfortable for you.
Your leg should stay flat on the ground.

Remain in this position for about 20 seconds and keep in mind to have controlled and deep breaths during this period. After this period, lower your leg carefully.

Do the same procedure with the other leg. After repeating this three to five times, do the exercise with both legs for about three to five minutes.

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