Room Decor

15 Ways To Raise The Vibrations of Your Home

7. Consider Crystals

Using crystals for healing and positivity dates back to ancient times. The Sumerians made magic potions from quartz, the Greeks wore amethyst as amulets, and the Chinese used jade in medicine.

Try adding these popular crystals to your home, said to have numerous benefits:

  • Turquoise – the master healer, highly regarded for its protective and ‘lucky’ properties.
  • Bloodstone – a powerful energizer, boosting enthusiasm and emotional wellbeing.
  • Smoky quartz – helps you let go of negative energy.
  • Rose quartz – helps to open and heal the energy of the heart.
  • Carnelian – attracts fortune and encourages creativity and motivation.
  • Quartz crystal – balances the body and clears the mind.
  • Celestite – relieves stress and inspires happiness.
  • Citrine – helps you to be present and live in ‘the now’.
  • Aventurine – attracts new opportunities.

Even if you don’t believe in the healing powers of crystals, they will add some bling to your home which is guaranteed to improve your mood!

8. Choose Colors That Positively Affect Your Mood

The colors used in our home are a direct reflection of our personalities and can affect our moods and our thoughts – in the most subtle of ways!

Our reaction to a color is unique to us so choose what feels right for you. In general, we are affected by color in the following ways:

  • Red – raises a room’s energy level and gets the adrenaline and blood pumping. It can be too stimulating for some people, and some spaces. Crimson can invoke feelings of rage and hostility.
  • Yellow – is energizing and uplifting, it captures the joy of sunshine and signals happiness. Too much yellow can create feelings of frustration and anger.
  • Blue – can be calming, relaxing and serene but can also cause feelings of sadness.
  • Green – the most restful color for the eye, it promotes comfort, calm and growth.
  • Purple – dark tones are associated with luxury, creativity and the dramatic. Lighter versions bring the same restful quality as blue, but with more warmth.
  • Orange – evokes excitement, enthusiasm and energy.

9. Light Candles

Candles have been used for millennia to provide light, convey calm and highlight celebration. Their deep yellow glow is hypnotic, reflective and a great focal point for meditation.

Burning any candles will help increase the vibrations in your house, but choosing your candles in certain colors and scents (like those listed throughout this post) will raise them even higher.

10. Let the Fresh Air In

A stuffy, oxygen-depleted home can lead to feelings of lethargy and low mood. It’s just a plain unpleasant place to be! One of the easiest ways to refresh the air is to open your windows. Just letting in a few minutes of fresh air each morning before you go to work will cleanse and rejuvenate.

Increase the oxygen levels in your home and you’ll soon feel more energized, you’ll sleep better and enjoy improved overall health.

Other ways to keep your indoor air feeling fresh include avoiding chemical air fresheners, washing smelly clothes right away and keeping your pet beds clean.

11. Meditate

Raise your own vibrations through positive thought, clear intention and a focused perspective – also known as meditation!

When you do, you will begin to feel happier and less stressed. You will enjoy greater concentration, awareness and self-acceptance. There are physical benefits too – like better heart health, immune function and longevity.

Once you begin to feel the beneficial effects of meditation, you’ll soon begin to associate them with the place you mediate – your home!

12. Fill Your Home with Beauty & Happy Memories

Make your home an extension of you! Choose items that have meaning, that make you happy and that inspire you.

When choosing to keep or remove each piece, ask yourself if it evokes good or bad memories, or has positive or negative connotations.

Artwork, books, trinkets, signs, memory jars and framed photos all serve to turn your home into a place of positive energy – just don’t stand for clutter!

13. Cut Down on Electronics

Having the television turned on can affect the atmosphere of a given room – depending on what is playing and how it makes you feel. Be conscious of when and what you watch on television.

What’s more, there is a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the amount of time spent watching television and eventually being diagnosed with depression – something that will definitely lower both your vibrations, and those of your home!

14. Remove Toxins

Having a house filled with chemicals and other toxins is sure to negatively impact your health, your mental wellbeing and the vibes around you.

These are quickly and easily eliminated by choosing to use natural substitutes. For example, overhaul your cleaning supplies with these 40 green cleaning tips for every room in your home.

Clear the chemicals from your personal care products with these natural beauty tips, and make sure to eliminate these sources of hidden toxins from your kitchen and pantry.

15. Create a Space for Relaxation

While your entire home should feel like a place you can relax and enjoy, carving out a sanctuary in a room, cubby or corner just for you is important. Appreciate this space and relish the time you have for yourself – spend at least ten minutes there every day.


You can use it for meditation, reading, yoga, or anything else that will revitalize you and raise your vibrations!

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