Room Decor

15 Ways To Raise The Vibrations of Your Home

We often talk about places and people exuding ‘good energy’ or ‘bad energy’ – when we really mean the energy is high or low.

In scientific terms, describing energy as high or low is actually describing the rate of vibration or frequency.

The higher a ‘vibration’ of a person or place, the better we feel. And the higher the vibration of our homes, the better we feel in them. They become a safe haven, a space to recharge our batteries and lift our spirits.

Here are 15 ways to raise your home’s vibrations for health and happiness.

This Month’s Featured Video

1. De-Clutter

Removing clutter, duplicate items and things that we no longer have a use for can free up space, and leave us feeling much happier and more comfortable.

Pare down your wardrobe, dump the ‘just in case’ items you never use, and always choose quality over quantity. Other ways to de-clutter your home include borrowing instead of buying, using multi-purpose products and spending on experiences rather than ‘things’.

Want to know more about living with less? Here are 31 minimalist hacks to help you de-clutter your home and life in just one month.

2. Burn Herbs

The burning of herbs, a practice known as smudging, has been used for thousands of years to cleanse the air of impurities such as bacteria and viruses. Smudging is also used as a traditional mystical ritual, changing, clearing and shifting the surrounding air.

Take a dried bundle of herbs and light it, then quickly blow the flame out, allowing the smoke to waft around the house. Both the healing properties and scent of the herbs are released into the air. While sage is by far the most popular herb to smudge with, pine, rosemary, and lavender are also good options.

Smudging can be used to clear your space when:

  • You move into a new home
  • You begin a new job or career
  • A guest leaves your home
  • Before meditation
  • You have just had an argument or suffered an illness

You can also burn an herbal incense by blending ground herbs together and placing the mix on a lit charcoal disc on top of your incense burner.

Use sage, thyme, rosemary, lavender, peppermint, pine needles, frankincense or patchouli to clear the air, and your space.

3. Diffuse Essential Oils


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