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10 Signs Your Body Needs to Detox Really Bad

10 Signs Your Body Needs to Detox Really Bad

If you feel like your body is constantly alert and stressed, maybe there is an imbalance in your cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone that the body releases (especially in the evenings) to relieve stress. Cortisol levels in healthy individuals are high in the morning and drop progressively throughout the day.

When there is an imbalance in cortisol, the cortisol levels in the evening become heightened. This means that you feel more energetic and active in the evening than in the morning. Long-term insomnia then generates serious health issues such as heart disease, so it’s important to detoxify if you feel that a cortisol imbalance is the cause.

4. Thinking impairment

Toxins can affect the brain directly. This includes monosodium glutamate (MSG) and/or aspartame. If you constantly space out during the day for no particular reason then high toxification may be the reason. Both aspartame and MSG have the ability to kill brain cells and prevent oxidation of the brain. MSG is usually present in highly processed foods and meats while aspartame is found in sugar-free beverages, gum, and toothpaste. It’s important to cut these excitotoxins out of your diet.

5. Inexplicable headaches

10 Signs Your Body Needs to Detox Really Bad
If you constantly find yourself suffering from inexplicable headaches, this could be a sign that your toxicity levels are higher than normal. Toxins that can affect the brain such as aspartame and monosodium glutamate can also cause persistent headaches after you’ve consumed foods that contain them as we mentioned above. However, there are additional toxins that can lead to headaches such as food coloring, preservatives, and heavy metals.

6. Mood swings

10 Signs Your Body Needs to Detox Really Bad
If you experience mood swings throughout the day, this is a sign that there is a hormonal imbalance in your body. Toxins like xenoestrogens cause hormonal imbalances that can affect both genders. Xenoestrogen is a synthetic mixture of hormones that act like estrogen in the body. Xenoestrogens are usually found in industrial compounds such as phthalates, BPA and PCBs. Avoiding the use of plastic, especially in the kitchen, can reduce the xenoestrogens levels in the body.

7. Unpleasant body odor

If you are constantly experiencing bad breath, bad-smelling gas and stools, this could be a sign that the liver and colon are struggling to remove a highly toxic load. If you feel like you are bloated for long periods of time, you don’t feel hungry and the bad body odor is persistent, then you need to help your body flush out the toxins. Try milk thistle, olive oil and lemon juice to do a complete flush to effectively detox the liver.

8. Constipation

10 Signs Your Body Needs to Detox Really Bad
It is vital to remove waste from our bodies on a daily basis. If you find yourself not having a bowel movement every day due to a lack of anti-oxidants in your diet, then the toxins are absorbed into your bloodstream and they start building up. Drinking plenty of water along with a diet rich in anti-oxidants and fiber can eliminate constipation, bloat, and prevent toxins from being absorbed into the bloodstream.

9. Muscle aches

10 Signs Your Body Needs to Detox Really Bad
If you are suffering from re-occurring and inexplicable muscle pain, then this could be a sign of a highly toxic load in your body. Toxins have the ability to stimulate the pain receptors located in the muscles which then lead to muscle spasms, cramps or knots.

Toxins usually have an immediate effect on the muscles because they usually come from food that has been eaten during the day. If you’ve been experiencing unexplained muscle cramps keep a log in your journal of when it happened and what you’ve eaten during the day to see which foods might be causing it.

10. Skin reactions

10 Signs Your Body Needs to Detox Really Bad
The liver is responsible for removing most of the toxins from the body. When the body is overloaded with toxins, the liver can’t keep up and other organs try to flush out those toxins through the skin, for example. When the skin tries to eliminate toxins in the body, it reacts badly to the process because it perceives them as poison. This leads to acne, skin rashes, eczema, dermatographia and boils.

If you believe your body is high in toxins, and you experience any of these things mentioned above, it is important to try a detoxing diet in order to flush them out of your system. A diet in healthy organic foods with many vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants can really help your body and your overall well-being. Remember to stay hydrated and exercise regularly.

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