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10 Everyday Healthy Foods That Will Naturally Detox and Cleanse Your Body

7. Lemon Water

10 Everyday Healthy Foods That Will Naturally Detox and Cleanse Your Body
Citrus fruits are great for your digestive system because they are full of vitamin C and are rich in antioxidants. This powerful compound activates liver enzymes to help convert toxins into a water-soluble form and gives a kick to stagnant bowels. This means that all contamination can be easily washed out from your body.

Tip: Start your morning with a glass of lukewarm water mixed with the juice of one lemon or lime, a pinch of sea salt, and a little honey or maple syrup. Drink this mixture on an empty stomach to boost your energy level for the day and get better bowel movements and better skin.


6. Seeds and Nuts

10 Everyday Healthy Foods That Will Naturally Detox and Cleanse Your Body
If you can’t help munching on snacks, make sure they are healthy ones. Always keep handy a bag of nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, or sunflower seeds.
  • A regular intake of almonds will help you get rid of all the fatty deposits that build up around your liver.
  • Walnuts hold high levels of the acid arginine, which helps the liver to detoxify ammonia. They are also great for helping your brain to function better.
  • Flaxseeds boost your mood. When ground, they provide fiber to help flush out toxins from your intestinal tract. In other great news, flax fiber suppresses appetite and helps with weight loss.
  • Sunflower seeds provide magnesium, a mineral which keeps blood pressure levels normal, helps maintain a steady heartbeat, and boosts lipolysis (the process through which the body releases fat from its stores).

5. Yogurt

10 Everyday Healthy Foods That Will Naturally Detox and Cleanse Your Body
Yogurt is full of probiotics, and they supply healthy bacteria to fortify the tract’s natural flora, helping digestion and boosting the body’s immune responses. Basically, yogurt brings good bacteria into your gut to kick-start digestion and help you get rid of toxins.

Tip: Avoid “fat-free” or “low-fat” yogurts as they contain a lot of sugar. Choose yogurts with live or active cultures.

4. Dandelion or Green Tea

10 Everyday Healthy Foods That Will Naturally Detox and Cleanse Your Body
Dandelion helps the liver by straining and filtering toxins and waste from your bloodstream. Green tea is much richer in antioxidants compared to black or oolong teas, despite the fact that they all come from the same plant. The caffeine contained in green tea gives this energizing drink a diuretic effect, which helps to alleviate bloating by counteracting water retention.

Tip: Pick dandelions from your garden or on your next hiking trip. Brew them to create a simple and detoxifying tea that will keep you warm and healthy on cold days.


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